Sunny Feng Han
3 min readApr 28, 2023

Elastos Foundation Announces Board Changes as it Shifts to Market-Oriented Strategy

Dear Elastos Community,

We would like to announce a recent change to our board of directors. Mr. Rong Chen has resigned from his position due to personal reasons and we have accepted his request. We deeply appreciate Mr. Chen’s contributions and leadership to Elastos over the past twenty years. He has been an invaluable member of our team and we are grateful for his dedication to the Web3 concept of “You own your own data”. We would like to note that Mr. Chen has expressed his commitment and desire to continue supporting Elastos as Smartweb advisor and active member of our community.

As we move forward, we are excited to welcome Mr. Hongjie Hu as our new board member. Mr. Hu has been deeply involved in the blockchain industry since 2013 including the establishment of China’s first blockchain industry association, DACA. He has made invaluable contributions to the establishment and development of the Elastos Foundation, joining as a founding member in 2017, serving as the Secretary-General and leading the Asset Management ‘DAB’ team. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the board and we are confident in his ability to help lead Elastos into the future.

For five years, Elastos has been quietly building the foundational components of a full Web3 tech stack. Now, as most of the core technology is ready to be utilized by developers, the Foundation has decided to shift its strategy from a technology-oriented approach to a market-oriented one. This will be achieved through close collaboration with the community-formed Elavation Growth team, led by Cyber Republic Council member, Mr. Fakhul Miah (Elation Studios), who will work closely with the Foundation to identify market opportunities and develop strategic partnerships. By embracing the wider market and expanding our community through inward investment and ecosystem cooperation, we are confident that we can sustain market-driven operations for the next five to eight years. We will continue to support the development of Elastos’ core technology teams and promising community ecological projects.

Aside from the three board members and Elastos Chief Architect, Su Yipeng, the Foundation collaborates and provides sponsorship funding for a number of core teams, including the Product & Services Team, Trinity Tech, Gelaxy, Elacity and the DAB Team. To better align with market conditions, we will work closely with these teams and conduct market-driven performance assessments, while also seeking technological and outsourcing collaborations. We value the participation of our community in this process and welcome their active involvement.

These changes mark a significant milestone in Elastos’ pioneering journey and are part of the ecosystem’s overall ‘Snap Back’ strategy. Together, let us seize the vast Web3 market opportunities of the future and work towards making Elastos one of the most prominent Web3 projects within the industry.

Thank you for your continued support.

Elastos Foundation

April 28, 2023

Elastos 基金会理事变更及市场化导向战略转移公告


因个人原因,陈榕先生辞去 Elastos 基金会( 以下简称 “ 基金会 ” ) 理事,并推荐胡洪杰先生出任基金会理事。经过深入沟通和慎重考虑,基金会接受陈榕先生的辞职请求并同意胡洪杰先生成为新任的 Elastos 基金会理事。

基金会对陈榕先生提出的 Web 3 理念 “ You own your own data.” 信仰坚定,对其开创 Web 3 基础设施项目 Elastos Smartweb 并坚持 20 余年的精神和业绩深表钦佩。基金会对陈榕先生在 Elastos 做出的领袖性的、超群的、无法替代和无法磨灭的贡献深表感佩。陈榕先生亦表达愿做为Smartweb顾问和社区的一分子,将继续和社区一起推动 Elastos 的 WEB3 事业走向成功。

胡洪杰先生,从 2013 年开始深耕区块链行业,期间参与建立中国第一个区块链行业协会 DACA(注册地香港) ,并参与推动了三年“区块链大学行”活动。2017 年和陈榕先生、韩锋先生一起作为创始基金会成员加入基金会,一直担任基金会秘书长和资产管理方面领导工作,为亦来云基金会的创立和发展,做出了很大贡献。

基金会曾经规划 2023 年底开发经费用尽后解散项目官方团队,彻底社区化。但是经过我们 的反复核算和企划,我们认为只要经过积极主动地资产运作,同时秉承基金会去年达成共识的“亦来云WEB3基础架构已基本完成,今后亦来云要从技术导向,转变为市场导向”的基本方针,我们将积极拥抱市场,通过生态合作大幅度扩大社区,引资引流,新的理事会有信心再让基金会通过成功的市场化策略运营五到八年,持续配合CRC竞选出的社区领导团队(目前是Fakhul Miah 领导),不断支持亦来云各核心外包团队开发和一些非常有市场前景的社区生态项目,让 Elastos 早日成长为 WEB3中最有代表性的项目之一。

基金会目前除了核心管理层的三位理事会成员和总架构师,其他核心外包团队有:产品服务组,Trinity 组,Gelaxy 组,DAB 组,Elacity组。基金会将定期根据市场和亦来云战略发展需要不断推进完善和调整优化核心外包团队,和他们开展技术和服务外包合作并进行绩效监督考核,欢迎社区积极参与和有效监督。



Elastos 基金会

2023 年 4 月 28 日

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